Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein

Connecting Companies and International Talents

Welcome to the True North! 

Karte von Deutschland mit hervorgehobenem Schleswig-Holstein

We make it easier for international talents to start a career in Schleswig-Holstein 

Whether you are coming to Germany to work, study or complete an apprenticeship - we are the right partner for you. 
At the Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein, we combine the expertise of the Federal Employment Agency, the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Immigration and Refugees and the Schleswig-Holstein Economic Development and Technology Transfer Agency (WTSH). We work hand in hand to support you in arriving and starting your career. 

Service for companies in the area of international specialists and labour 

We support small and medium-sized companies that want to hire or already employ skilled workers or labour from abroad. We offer a comprehensive range of services and support, including advice on entry and residence regulations, family reunification and information on access to the German labour market. 

Topics that may interest you

We look forward to welcoming you during our visiting hours. You are also welcome to make an appointment beforehand so that we can prepare for the consultation in the best possible way. 

Feel free to contact us via the contact form

Sehr geehrte Interessentinnen und Interessenten,


Dear interested parties


das Welcome Center SH wird aufenthaltsrechtlich vom Landesamt für Zuwanderung und Flüchtlinge betreut. Um Dopplungen Ihrer Anliegen zu vermeiden, bitten wir von Anfragen abzusehen, sofern Ihre Angelegenheit bereits an fachkräfteeinwanderung@lfa.landsh.de oder an zsfe@lfa.landsh.de übermittelt worden ist.


Welcome Centre SH is managed by the State Office for Immigration and Refugees in terms of residence law. In order to avoid duplication of your enquiries, please refrain from making enquiries if your matter has already been forwarded to fachkräfteeinwanderung@lfa.landsh.de or zsfe@lfa.landsh.de.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

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