Our service for companies

We support you and your international skilled workers and labour force

Together with you, we want to increase the attractiveness and visibility of Schleswig-Holstein as a place to live and work and provide your new skilled workers with the best possible support when they arrive in the region. To this end, we combine the expertise of the participating institutions WTSH (business development), the Federal Employment Agency (job placement and qualification) and the State Office for Immigration and Refugees (residence law issues) and accompany the process of your new skilled worker from the very beginning. 

Portrait of a man and woman workers in the carpentry workshop, working together.

Through good network structures and shared expertise, we support the networking of international talent and companies in the country - from small craft businesses to larger industrial companies. We raise awareness of the issue of skilled labour immigration, provide you with advice and support your skilled workers and employees. We accompany them on their arrival in the region and are always available to answer any questions you may have about integration in Schleswig-Holstein.

Together we will find the right solution for your needs.

Our services

Advice on recruiting international specialists and workers

We will be happy to advise you on the accelerated skilled labour immigration procedure, discuss the appropriate channels for your recruitment - be it via recruitment projects of the Federal Employment Agency or online platforms, provide information on international job advertisements or put you in touch with other relevant bodies in Schleswig-Holstein or nationwide. 

Support with residence law issues

If you are eligible for the accelerated skilled worker procedure, you will benefit from the comprehensive approach of the Welcome Center. We take care of everything for you on an interdisciplinary basis: 

  • the examination of the legal residence requirements
  • If necessary: forwarding of the procedure for determining the equivalence of the professional qualification acquired abroad or for the certificate evaluation of the foreign university degree
  • Obtaining the necessary approval from the Federal Employment Agency, if applicable
  • if all requirements are met: Issuance of prior authorisation to issue a visa 

Intercultural competence development

When a foreign skilled worker or employee joins your company, there are several things to consider and ways to make the start as pleasant as possible. We are currently working on relevant information, which we will gradually make available to you here in the download area. What will it be about? 
Checklists for employers - What do you need to think about when the new person starts work? 
Suggestions for a welcome folder for foreign employees - What information does my new employee need for a successful start in Schleswig-Holstein? 
Information on in-house mentoring programmes - How may we learn from each other? 
Corporate culture - Where might there be a need for action? 
Strategies for retaining skilled workers - How may it be ensured that the foreign skilled worker wants to stay in the long term? 

Advice on funding opportunities

The qualifications and language skills of foreign skilled workers and labourers are not always sufficient for the position to be filled. The need for additional training may also have been identified as part of the recognition process, which means that your employee still needs to catch up on training content. 
 There are numerous training and language support programmes and funding opportunities that we may present to you. 

Information and networking events

We know our way around Schleswig-Holstein and are happy to connect you with other companies and local authorities through suitable events and platforms. Learn from your colleagues who already have experience with the recruitment and integration of foreign skilled workers and labour in their company and benefit from examples of best practice. The Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein will be expanding the event formats in the form of presentations with guests, workshops, networking events and webinars in the coming period. 
Please make an appointment and let us know your concerns beforehand so that we can prepare for the consultation in the best possible way

Please make an appointment and let us know your concerns in advance so that we can prepare for the consultation in the best possible way.

Feel free to contact us via the contact form

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